Category: Life

  • New Office

    I have finally settled in the new offices we have just moved into. The building is new (some of the floors are still being built as I type this). New people around, new restaurants, new parking space, and most of all, no windows. I had windows in the last office, not here. That’s sad. A…

  • The world we live in, and me

    You see the fights, you will avoid them. Aggravation, you will avoid. In fact, you avoid anything that you deem negative. Blood, Shooting, Death – These are things you mostly see in the news; most of us (including myself). Some will say, some things – better not know. You better not experience SOME things. I…

  • Triggering

    It is possible to trigger a response in a human being, desired or undesired. Many times, the sequence to trigger the specific response, can not be repeated for more than 2 to 3 times. We have to therefor find the delta, the basic general element in the sequence that actually causes the desired effect, the…

  • Where is the line between personal and public?

    This is a personal logger. Is it a diary? perhaps. Is it personal? definitely! So where do I draw the line between what I place as public, and what I place as private? This is something I might leave to be discovered by actual events (if someone reads something and then sue me, I guess…

  • The Anchor and the Ship

    There once was an abandoned anchor on the bottom of the sea. The anchor was lonely, but it had all the water in the world, and the fish, and the plankton, and the sand that served as a comfortable pillow. The bottom of the sea was comfy, and the anchor liked that… but something bothered…