I hate Microsoft
Today I found out that my roaming profile in Windows 2000 was partially erased. I had pictures of my recent trip to the states, all gone. I had so many personal documents. all is gone now. how can I not hate Microsoft employees now? Someone was there when the decision had to be made what…
DataMining Live Journals
Basically, If I take the live journals of all 40k users on this system, and analyze its content, won’t I get a pretty vast knowledge base on human behavior? Now there’s an idea 🙂
God is not alone
When god destroyed the dinos, why do it with a meteorite? is this the extent of his power? or perhaps he was not alone, and did not want other entities around him to think he was not giving that race a chance? is this why cockroaches have survived? so that god shows this is not…
Welcome to myself
This is my first entry in my journal. Will I keep doing this? Is it any good? what happens when there are many entries? we’ll see about that. Skaag.