Author: Aric

  • Violence

    vi·o·lence n. 1. Physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing: crimes of violence. 2. The act or an instance of violent action or behavior. 3. Intensity or severity, as in natural phenomena; untamed force: the violence of a tornado. 4. Abusive or unjust exercise of power. 5. Abuse or injury to…

  • Falling into the eternal

    Seemingly endless, is our life, until stopped or slowed down by disasters. Interminable, until surprised by circumstances beyond our control.

  • Ex Lax Kalugah

    Eventually we’ll realize what we don’t and can’t realize right now, which is, that nothing is really as nearly as certain as we thought it ever was, and that success, as near as it could get, can also be very slippery.

  • Joy and Bliss

    Coming early to work is now a goal – the roads are crowded at 8am, more and more people come to work early. it must be something right to do, if so many people want to do it. I can guess that some of my reasons are also theirs. Recently, having a girlfriend that I…

  • Web site Launch

    Ok ok, I tried avoiding this because it’s not done yet, but I have decided to announce it here anyway, as silly as it is. My family web site, is now launched, unofficially of course. Suggestions and help are always appreciated! 🙂