A to Z of Programmer Predilictions
The A to Z of Programmer Predilictions is a very amusing piece I found today on digg.com (URL: http://www.hacknot.info/). I must admit I have been a few of the described programmer profiles in my younger years in the business! But is that not the best way to learn? 🙂
Killing our planet
I could not help but feel sad when finding this piece on digg.com: http://www.damninteresting.com/?p=214 I really don’t understand what made any goverment feel they can perform nuclear experiments anywhere on the planet. I feel horrible when I see the pictures of devastation, and even more horrible when I think about the implications for the future…
And about the Earth’s distance from the sun…
I don’t understand why many scientists say that the distance of our planet from the sun was important in order to sustain life on this planet. While I agree that the distance is important, and that too close would be too hot, and too far would be too cold – we are definitely within a…
Flock off?
I’ve been trying out Flock on my laptop for the last two weeks and so far I love it. I like the concept and I believe it can be further expanded. For example, I would love to create filters that collect various information from the pages I browse, and they save this information together with…
The next thing Intel needs
Well, we all know processors are hot