Linux Cheat Sheet
Every once in a while you encounter this edge scenario that requires some specialized knowledge. And let’s face it, it’s always nice to find a quick cheat sheet with “recipes” for common (and sometimes less common) problems, than having to RTFM for hours, trying to find the solution. So I decided to list the common…
WPML: WordPress Plugin gone wrong
A few years ago I decided it’s time to offer one of my WordPress sites in more than one language. After researching a bit, I found the best product was WPML. I found references to it in the WordPress Plugin Directory, googled it, found and visited the website, and decided it was worth the $79.…
Lessons learned about the A13 OLinuXino with A13-LCD7-TS
I have recently purchased two of those very sweet Olinuxino A13 boards for a new project I’m working on. I bought them directly from Olimex in Bulgaria, only to later discover that I could have ordered them from another website in the US. The prices are a bit higher, but shipping is lower so for…
ApacheBench: Proper Usage
When you are benchmarking a web server, you may fall into the trap of benchmarking against a small file (maybe the debian default “It’s working!” index.html file). I decided to write about this pitfall, so that my friends & readers will get a more realistic benchmark. I’ve found the following general guidelines are a good…